I also tried with the x86 python, but I got the same result.

Humberto Ferreira da Luz Junior
Mestrado - Ciência da Computação / UEL
Analista de Informática - ATI / UEL

2011/11/28 Humberto Ferreira da Luz Junior <humbfd...@gmail.com>

> I tried also with python 2.5, but without success.
> Importing cx_oracle directly in a python script I got this error:
> >>>import cx_Oracle
> Traceback (most recent calls last):
>    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> ImportError: DLL load failed with error code 193.
> I tried installing cx_oracle in my Ubuntu 11.10 and it worked fine, my
> problem is happening only on my windows 7 x64.
> Humberto Ferreira da Luz Junior
> Mestrado - Ciência da Computação / UEL
> Analista de Informática - ATI / UEL

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