Basically I reverse engineered the HTML generated from web2py and came with the following solution: In SQLFORM.factory I have this definition: Field('*primary_email_choice*',, requires=IS_IN_SET({'Work' : 'Work', '*Home*' : 'Home'})),
So in the HTML id="*primary_email_choiceHome*" is a combination of *primary_email_choice* and one of the values in the set: *Home.* So I manually composed to HTML to have more control. I have the value in primary_email which determines if the radio check box is checked or not dynamically when the HTML is rendered. It is much more cleared that way and I have a full control on the design: {{ if fields['primary_email'] == "Home": }} <input type="radio" name="primary_email_choice" id="*primary_email_choiceHome*" value="Home" checked="yes"/> {{ else: }} <input type="radio" name="primary_email_choice" id="primary_email_choiceHome" value="Home" /> {{ pass }} <label for="primary_email_choiceHome">{{ if fields['primary_email'] == "Home": }}Primary Email: Home{{ else: }}Choose Email Home as Primary Email{{ pass }}</label> Radio check-boxes are under-described in the book and I believe this solution will help others to do the same.