Hi Johan, All,
        Sorry but I am not able to get it. With your code above I get
an invalid controller. I understand that we can add custom buttons
with their functions in the controller to the grid. That I am able to
do but, I would like to know what changes would I have to do if -

1. I want to use existing facility provided by SQLForm.grid (View or
other button) but the button's label must be something like "View
Post", "Delete me" etc

2. Also I would like to know the complete syntax for SQLForm.grid
parameters -
Syntax for -
     form= SQLFORM.grid (...whatever/everything that we can specify

Currently I am using/aware of below parameters:

form = SQLFORM.grid( query=query, fields=fields, headers=headers,
orderby=default_sort_order, links=links, create=False,
deletable=False, editable=False, csv=False, maxtextlength=64,
paginate=20 )

Thanks and Regards, Rahul
(www.flockbird.com - web2py powered)

On Nov 17, 12:05 pm, Johann Spies <johann.sp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 November 2011 08:57, Rahul <rahul.dhak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > How can I make it use existing functions (that are there by default
> > SQLForm.grid) associated with View, Edit and Delete (CRUD)'s ?
> Some time ago I have asked the same question and got the following answer
> form simo...@gmail.com:
> You can add your own buttons using:
> links = [lambda row: A('Edit',_href=URL("controller","edit",
> args=["update", tablename, a.id]))
> and set editable, deletable, details  to False.
> Regards
> Johann
> --
> Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
> my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

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