
I'm trying to create a CSV view for a set of rows. Here's the code for
the view:

{{import StringIO, csv}}
{{outfile = StringIO.StringIO()}}
{{mywriter = csv.writer(outfile, dialect=csv.excel_tab)}}
{{mywriter.writerow(['Name', 'Address', 'City', 'State'])}}
{{for row in places:}}
{{mydata = [row.plads.name, row.plads.address, row.plads.city,
{{response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=
%s.csv' %(routeinfo.name)}}
{{response.write(outfile.getvalue(), escape=True)}}

This generates a csv file, but when I open it with excel, there are
several blank lines before the usable data. The only rhyme or reason I
see to it, is that the number of leading blank lines is about 3.2x the
number of rows. So, when I have 30 rows (two different sets of 30
rows), there are 96 leading blank lines. 27 rows gets me 87 leading
lines, and 19 rows gets me 63.

If I open the file with Emacs or try to import for MapPoint, I still
get the leading blank lines. If I open the file with Notepad, the
leading lines are not present.

I think this has something to do with the newline character. The
server is running Debian, and the clients are on Windows.

Anyone have any ideas for how to solve this?

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