Hello, Is it possible to enforce : create, read, update, delete permission with SQLFORM?
I can control read (readonly = True,) and delete (deletable = True,)... But what about create and update? How may I prevent user from editing a record if he has no permission to do it? My controller use this pattern : @auth.requires_login() def update(): if auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('G1')): form = crud.update(db...) elif auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('G2')): form = crud.update(db...) Etc. No problem if user don't enter URL manually, but if he do it SQLFROM will not prevent it acces to a given record... I see no other option except exploding my update function into many functions and using @auth.requires_permission('update', db.table)... Actually I just test it and I may be not need to explode my function but just using @auth.requires_permission('update', db.table)... Is decoration @auth.requires_permission() been create it to allow SQLFORM CRUD property? Thanks Richard