Hi Michele!

Thanks for your answer! How can I override OAuthAccount subclass putting
http_host as a fixed?

I'm doing:
class FaceBookAccount(OAuthAccount):
    """OAuth impl for FaceBook"""

    def __init__(self, g):
        OAuthAccount.__init__(self, g,
        self.graph = None

    def __redirect_uri(self, next=None):
        """Build the uri used by the authenticating server to redirect
        the client back to the page originating the auth request.
        Appends the _next action to the generated url so the flows

        r = self.request
        if not http_host: http_host=r.env.http_host

        url_scheme = r.env.wsgi_url_scheme
        if next:
            path_info = next
            path_info = r.env.path_info
        uri = '%s://%s%s' %(url_scheme, http_host, path_info)
        if r.get_vars and not next:
            uri += '?' + urlencode(r.get_vars)
        return uri

    # override function that fetches user info
    def get_user(self):
        "Returns the user using the Graph API"
        if not self.accessToken():
            return None
        if not self.graph:
            self.graph = GraphAPI((self.accessToken()))
            user = self.graph.get_object("me")
            return dict(first_name = user['first_name'],
                        last_name = user['last_name'],
                        email = user['email'],
                        registration_id = user['id'])
        except GraphAPIError:
            self.session.token = None
            self.graph = None
            return None

What am I doing wrong? Because it's ignoring my override...

Thanks in advance!

On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 8:06 PM, Michele Comitini <
michele.comit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Tito,
> When you call the server from browser do you put the hostname?
> I guess there is a problem with wsgi implementation on fluxflex.
> The oauth20_account.py module contains the following method:
>    def __redirect_uri(self, next=None):
>        """Build the uri used by the authenticating server to redirect
>        the client back to the page originating the auth request.
>        Appends the _next action to the generated url so the flows
> continues.
>        """
>        r = self.request
>        http_host=r.env.http_x_forwarded_for
>        if not http_host: http_host=r.env.http_host
>        url_scheme = r.env.wsgi_url_scheme
>        if next:
>            path_info = next
>        else:
>            path_info = r.env.path_info
>        uri = '%s://%s%s' %(url_scheme, http_host, path_info)
>        if r.get_vars and not next:
>            uri += '?' + urlencode(r.get_vars)
>        return uri
> Override it in your OAuthAccount subclass putting http_host as a fixed
> value instead of taking it from request.env
> mic
> 2011/11/12 Tito Garrido <titogarr...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi Folks!
> >
> > Are you able to login using Oauth2.0 on fluxflex?
> >
> > I'm trying to but seems that OAuthAccount grabs the ip of my instance and
> > the facebook never recognizes my redirect URL.
> >
> > Anybody with this problem?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Tito
> >
> > --
> >
> > Linux User #387870
> > .........____
> > .... _/_õ|__|
> > ..º[ .-.___.-._| . . . .
> > .__( o)__( o).:_______
> >


Linux User #387870
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