Gmail does it or used to do it with some flash trick also... bad thing.
jquery.forms.js happens to give problems when loading other js modules
depending on the order of loading, so it is correct not to include it
in web2py.


2011/11/13 Massimo Di Pierro <>:
> bare ajax does not work with multipart forms. there are ways around
> this and libraries to work around the problems. An example if
> jquery.forms.js. There is a web2pyslice on how to do do it. I have
> opposed to include it in web2py because I do not tink it belongs
> there.
> On Nov 13, 12:33 pm, apple <> wrote:
>> The book says:
>> > *Please note:* Because Ajax post does not support multipart forms, i.e. 
>> > file uploads, upload fields will not work with the LOAD >component. You 
>> > could be fooled into thinking it would work because upload fields will 
>> > function normally if POST is done from the >individual component's .load 
>> > view. Instead, uploads are done with ajax-compatible 3rd-party widgets and 
>> > web2py manual upload
>> >store commands.
>> If ajax post does not work with multi-part forms then how does gmail
>> work with attachments so seamlessly? Can this method be used within
>> web2py? Alternatively what are the "ajax compatible 3rd party widgets"
>> and/or how does one do a "web2py manual upload store command"?

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