2011/11/8 BrendanC <bren...@gmail.com>

> Daniel,
> Not sure what you are asking, but this might help you:
> Virtual fields are otherwise known as 'computed columns' in database terms
> - if that is what you are familiar with. e.g. Sum, Count, Min, Max, etc as
> these values are derived from underlying table data in a database.
> A database view is something entirely different - think of it as a virtual
> table or a stored query than can expose either a subset of table columns or
> a query that joins multiple tables and shows just the columns you want.
> Views are very commonly used in legacy type applications (for security and
> performance reasons - e.g. hide the employee salary info by creating a view
> that excludes that data element).
I don't know when I start confusing Virtual Fields with Virtual Tables, an
so I was overestimating what I can do with Virtual Fields.

When you said "is commonly used in legacy applications" you mean that now
they are not used very much? IIRC, Views are a lot faster than doing a Join
from the app.

> In the world of web development (Web2py, Django, Rails etc) database
> access is managed primarily by ORM's. For the  most part these are not very
> 'View' friendly - you have to jump through a few hoops to use a view and
> there are some also potential maintenance issues.  (FWIW views are very
> useful for simplifying complex queries and it's a pity that they are not
> well supported in most web environments).
> Hope this helps,
> BrendanC

I'm agree with you. I also can't understand why Databases Views are not so
important in Web2py (et al). The only way I see to use Database's Views in
web2py is with db.extecutesql statement. I hope some other can answer us.

Thank you Brendan! You helped me a lot.

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