
I have a hard time hanging with you west-coasters some time.

Thank you for your assistance.  I was able to reference the field directly 
into the columns with 'COUNT(', but wasn't finding it when I 
was in the Virtual class.  _extra was the key. 

def event_list(): 
>     class Virtual(object): 
>         @virtualsettings(label='Count') 
>         def email_count(self): 
>             return ??????????? # What do I need to reference? 

is now

def event_list(): 
    class Virtual(object): 
        def email_count(self): 
            return self._extra(count1)
, and life is peachy.

table.columns = ['COUNT(',''] 
table.columns = ['virtual.email_count',''] 
now work as expected.

Thanks again

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