Why not have the Ajax request retrieve new HTML to replace the HTML 
displaying the images? Your Ajax shouldn't be retrieving actually images, 
it should just be retrieving HTML <img> tags with the appropriate 
references to the image URLs.

On Wednesday, November 2, 2011 4:29:55 AM UTC-4, BrendanC wrote:
> OK - hope I can make this clear - it's more of a 'how to' design question 
> and not really web2py specific. 
> Imagine a view/template with a container/div that displays a (multipage) 
>  image gallery - this is the landing page (prepopulated with random images. 
> The page has a Search sidebar to allow filtering/subselection by tags; 
> names etc. The search performs an Ajax search to find a subset of images 
> and currently retrieves an XML list of matches.
> What I want to do is refresh the template images display with matches 
> found by the Ajax request. (I don't think XHR can retrieve binary data). 
> The XHR request currently retrieves a list, but what I really need to do 
> here is pass the list on and have the image files updated.
> Is there a way to do that and/or some examples of this?  
> Any suggestions wold be appreciated!

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