On Sun, 2011-10-30 at 02:29 -0700, Magnitus wrote: 
> So far, I've been using this service for my personal apps at 1 node:
> http://www.vps.net/product/cloud-servers/
> Recently, someone suggested this: http://fibervolt.com/vps.php
> At the lower specs range (and assuming you don't use even a 1/10 of
> the bandwidth vps provides), you have something that is almost as good
> for like 25$/year (instead of 20$/month) and something that is
> definitely better at less than 1/3 of the price (6$/month instead of
> 20$/month).
> Seems too good to be true.
> Anybody has any experience with them?
My personal suggestion is for http://www.hetzner.de/
I have been using their products (both dedicated servers and vservers)
for about five years, and the service is great while prices are usually
lower than competitors.
Their lowest-price vserver is 7.90 EUR/month with 512MB ram and 20GB
HDD; the only disadvantage is that unless vps/linode/.. VMs are on
directly physical machines and not on a redundancy cloud, so it's a bit
less fault-tolerant; anyways, I never get any noticeable downtime, even
when they were turning off routers/switches for maintenance, etc..

Samuele ~redShadow~ Santi
     redshadow[at]hackzine.org - redshadowhack[at]gmail.com

  Blog: http://hackzine.org

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/me recommends:
    Squadra Informatica - http://www.squadrainformatica.com
 - Proud ThinkPad T-Series owner
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