Thanks a lot for the fast replies. Denes - I actually tried that tonight but it's still creating the INTEGER columns. I think is using the column name to figure out the type of data, it's been a couple of days since I read through it.
Massimo - Thanks for writing this framework, I've bounced around rails and django and settled with web2py. Also, I just checked out fluxflex and it's pretty sexy. Unfortunately, changing is what I eventually had to do: changing the adapters to be BIGINT, which causes really small tables to also use BIGINT as the identity column unless I extend the adapter class and make a new DAL object with different identity type behavior. Would it be possible to incorporate more flexibility into identity columns in the future? Also, due to __migrate function I cannot really extend Auth defines_table function. Is this intended? Thanks to all again, I'll live with BIGINT identity field everywhere for now. Tom On Oct 24, 10:40 am, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote: > I forgot. Important. The change below will affect all the apps > installed so it may break something. > > On Oct 24, 9:38 am, Massimo Di Pierro <> > wrote: > > > > > > > > > from gluon import BaseAdapter. > > BaseAdapter.types.update({ > > 'id': 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', 'reference': > > 'INTEGER REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s'}) > > > db = DAL(....) > > > You can replace the types for other adapters that you are using. For > > example PostgreSQLAdapter. > > > On Oct 23, 9:20 pm, tom h <> wrote: > > > > Hi, > > > > I've recently started to use web2py, pretty new to it and python also, > > > and I'd like to change theidentityfield that are automatically > > > created to be decimal(13,0) instead of integer. > > > > Basically I would not like to deal withidentitycolumns overflowing > > > when it reaches 10**9. I mean, I'm only doing about a million rows > > > every day, but it could be more, and i'm just worried about future > > > migration to other systems. > > > > I'm currently trying to hack but it's all over the place. > > > > Is there anyway to get around this or make this id field a bit more > > > flexible? It would be nice if it was implemented as a Field.identity, > > > and people can always name it whatever they wanted, and specify the > > > size smallint, int, decimal(X,0) that they feel like doing. > > > > Thanks a lot! > > > > Tom