for me it is a case for coalesce in pure SQL.

I know dal offers coalesce support but I did not try yet.
Em 22/10/2011 09:47, "apple" <> escreveu:

> I am summing some data using the DAL:
>      cash_price = db.orderline.cash_price.sum()
>      lines = db(db.orderline.order_ == id).select(cash_price).first()
> However if there are no lines then lines[cash_price] is "None". So I
> added:
>       lines[cash_price]=lines[cash_price] or 0
> But this does not work either. You have to do:
>       lines[cash_price]=lines._extra[cash_price] or 0
> This is OK as it works. But wouldn't it be better if the sum were "0"
> in the first place? Or if there is some logical reason for it to
> "None" then one should to be able to say:
>       lines[cash_price]=lines[cash_price] or 0

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