Hi Richard, Thanks for your reply. I tried in web2py_ajax.html:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ // Tabs $('#tabs').tabs(); $(".selector").tabs({selected: 3}); }); </script> (for convenience I used the constant 3) ... and in the view I tried: <script type="text/javascript"> var actual_day = "{{=weekday}}" $(".selector").tabs("option", "selected", actual_day ); </script> Neither of these solutions work. Do you have any idea why not? Hi Cliff, Thanks for your reply. > You need landing areas for your data. That's what I thought, however, from the ajax example I learned I somehow don't need them. The plugin creates landing areas for every tab with the id set to: id="ui-tabs-1", id="ui-tabs-2" etc. Which in my case is quite convenient for all tabs but the last have the same content: class times for a specific day. So the controller and the view are rather simple: rows=db((db.lesrooster.bedrijf_id==1)&(db.lesrooster.dag_id==request.args(0))).select(db.lesrooster.ALL,orderby=db.lesrooster.tijd) and the view a table with class times. > Also note you don't need to use line continuation inside a tuple, > list, or dictionary. > URL doesn't need the list delimiters if there's only one arg. Thanks, I removed them all. Kind regards, Annet.