I think a standalone workflow system is too high level.

Workflow type systems (among other things) can be more than adequately
developed with robust access control mechanisms.  I'd like to see
web2py's access control beefed up (thus permitting easy development of
workflows, among other things).  Specifically, the current web2py RBAC
has two levels of granularity: table and record (row).  This should be
extended to include field(column), type(controller), and
context(state).  The first is implemented in other RBAC systems (e.g.
Drupal), but not in web2py (at least not that I can tell).  The latter
two are ideas borrowed from SELinux.

If these were in place, then workflows could easily be implemented by,
e.g. specifying different permissions for a given role for each
context(state) of a record or table(record type).

Although the type(controller) access control is currently implemented
via decorators in web2py, this is restricted to coders.  Providing an
extra layer of abstraction to this mechanism would permit this level
of access control to be manipulated by users (eg. non-coder site

On Oct 21, 7:55 am, António Ramos <ramstei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> May i suggest a workflow framework in web2py?
> Django has one
> I want one :(
> 2011/10/21 Hong-Khoan Quach <hongkhoanqu...@googlemail.com>
> > Hi there.
> > We would like to contribute to web2py for a university open source
> > practical course. Does anyone have an idea for an important/cool feature
> > that we could propose to our supervisor?
> > Furthermore, are there any low hanging fruits, we can start with?
> > Regards
> > Matteo and Hong-Khoan

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