+1 for all of the above.

I think this is a really important discussion that could have a big impact 
on Web2py since the Welcome app is used as the scaffolding for creating new 
Web2py applications.

It reminds me a lot of the primary reason why I decided to risk using Web2py 
in the first place which amounted to freedom and "universality"

Built in multilingual capability and the DAL where exactly the kinds of 
things that I was looking for because they allowed me to start developing 
right away without needing to commit to any specific databases and knowing 
that no matter who I was going to be developing for I could continue to 
leverage my previous investments.

Here a setup that seems very "Web2py" to me and that I think would increase 
our audience.

Universal Default

I would propose that we have a "Universal" default that would work on many 
devices. A default frontend that fulfills any legal aspects of related to 
accessibility in the US and other countries would be good as well.

In this case it sounds like the logical choices for a "Universal" front end 
framework would be Skeleton (http://www.getskeleton.com) or Foundation 
(http://foundation.zurb.com) as proposed by Andrew.

Specialized Alternatives

Offering one or more alternatives that can be "swapped" in gives developers 
the option of using whatever front-end framework they need or prefer to use. 

So if we end up using a default of skeleton but I want to use foundation I 
can swap out Skeleton for Foundation.


Requires Web2py developers to agree on and implement a way to achieve this.


Works great out of the box
Trivial to implement specialized frontends
Makes it easier to choose Web2py

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