My errors in previews post:

form['_action'] = URL(index') - my error - correct is> ->
form['_action'] = URL('index')
my_value - is mean -> URL('controller') #this can be controller or
index or some value.

>From last Anthony replay I figure out why it can't work from view but
how to resolve this in controller.

this is my form definition in controller:
def people():
    form = crud.create(db.person,next=URL('people'),message=T("record created"))
    return dict(form = form)

I try next example and all mentioned options:
def people():
    form = crud.create(db.person,next=URL('people'),message=T("record created"))
    form['_action'] = URL('index')
    return dict(form = form)

but my action field in form is empty.

- - Miroslav Gojic - -

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 16:09, Anthony <> wrote:
> On Sunday, October 16, 2011 3:23:01 AM UTC-4, miroslavgojic wrote:
>> I tray to put mentioned examples into controller after my form definition
>> form['_action'] = URL(index')
>> form.update(_action=URL('index'))
>> form.attributes.update(_action=URL('index'))
>> but it is not happened anything,
> What exactly happened? I assume this does change the form action as
> expected, but then nothing happens when you submit the form? When you change
> the form action, the form will get submitted to that action. If you submit
> the form to 'index', then your 'index' function will have to process the
> submitted form -- if there's no code in your 'index' function to do so, then
> nothing will happen. In web2py, forms are typically self-submitting (i.e.,
> submitted to the action that generated them). Is there a reason you want to
> submit the form to a different action?
>> and if I change my value I just get error
>> form.update(_action=my_value) - this make error
> What is my_value? Is it a URL?
>> In view after beginning of form.custom.start I tray next similar code
>> {{=form['_action'] = URL(index')}}
> I assume you mean form.custom.begin? Anyway, it will not work to change the
> form action after that because form.custom.begin actually inserts the <form>
> tag with the action specified -- so changing the action after will not
> affect the way the form is serialized.
> Anthony

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