Em 14/10/2011 07:02, "Johann Spies" <> escreveu:

> On 14 October 2011 01:53, Massimo Di Pierro <>wrote:
>> I have used mechanize and I was pretty impressed.
> Thanks.  I have spent about 2 hours to get working with mechanize and
> Splinter but I am getting nowhere.  The documentation gave a few examples
> but as soon as I want something not covered by the examples, there were not
> enough documentation to help me.
> With mechanize I am stumped by the fact that I cannot find the name of the
> crud form on the page - even if I use the 'form_name' parameter when
> creating the form.
> With Splinter I got a bit further: I could fill the 'file' field of the
> form  but not the 'name' field because I could not figure out how to specify
> that element in the script.
> I will probably doing it faster by hand.
> Regards
> Johann
> --
>  May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of
> God and of Jesus our Lord!  His divine power has given us everything we need
> for life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us
> by his own glory and excellence.
>                                                     2 Pet. 1:2b,3a

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