Since 'status' is a list:string field, why not set multiple=True?

IS_IN_SET(..., multiple=True)


On Monday, October 10, 2011 2:45:48 PM UTC-4, Cliff wrote:
> This is the field def: 
> Field('status', 'list:string'), 
> then: 
> db.mytable.status.requires = IS_IN_SET( 
>      {'n': 'New', 'I':'In process', 'C':'Complete'}, 
>     zero = 'Choose' 
> ) 
> When editing, SQLFORM shows the zero choice when on opening.  The 
> choices display correctly and can be changed. 
> On the next go round, it shows the zero choice again. 
> When viewing the object (readonly=True), SQLFORM shows the dictionary 
> key, not the value.  In other words, it will pick up the 'C' rather 
> than showing 'Complete' 
> I don't think it should matter, but because I'm using a generic form I 
> call SQLFORM this way: 
> return response.render(form=SQLFORM(db.mytable, request.args(0)), 
> h1="Edit") 
> Appadmin does the same thing and complains if I don't change the zero 
> value to a value in the dictionary.

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