On Saturday, October 8, 2011 10:31:18 PM UTC-4, IK wrote:
> {{for item in item:}}
>     <div> Listing  {{item.title}} and max price:
>             {{prices=db((db.price.id>0) & 
> (db.price.listing==item)).select(db.price.weekly,distinct=True)}}

'item' is an entire row -- instead, you want item.id:


Also, you shouldn't need the (db.price.id>0).

You might also want to name the result of the select in the controller 
'items' instead of 'item' to avoid confusion.

>             {{priceMax= prices.last()}}

Are the prices inserted in order, so the last is always the max?

>             {{=priceMax}}

If you don't need to re-use priceMax elsewhere, you can just do:


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