> That is awesome! What version of web2py and Jython have you got
> working? Could you share your patches?

Jythin 2.5.2 and latest Web2py work ok for me as long as apps do'nt
use decorators.

> > I ran into two problems so far:
> >  - web2py is looking for its version file in tomcat/bin. Why the hell?

Because I hadn't set web2py_path. My bad

> >  - my servlet "gets in the way". Let's say its address 
> > ishttp://host:8080/myservlet/
> > When called without an app name, web2py will try to run the "welcome"
> > app, and redirects me tohttp://host:8080/welcome/default/indexwhen
> > it should redirect me tohttp://host:8080/myservlet/welcome/default/index
> > instead. I have tried to play with routes_out to add the servlet's
> > name to the path but I couldn't get it to work. Any ideas?

Got the routes working. Only the admin app doesn't work because it
redirects without using URL so no route is computed

> Are you using snakefight to generate config files for modjy or
> creating by hand?

By hand. I didn't even know about snakefight.

I've had problems with jython being run from Tomcat (5.5 BTW) and that
has to do with unicode strings.
I had to:

- remove the utf-8 first bline from all app's .py files
- replace isinstance(string) with isinstance(basestring) in some
- comment out a call to string.translate in Cookie (that one hurt!)

Any ideas welcome on how to fix this unicode problem.

One last remark : why do we have to have sqlite installed just in
order to use jdbc??


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