You can always set

if x:
response.view = 'folder/file.html'
elif y:
response.view = '....'

Also, you can use:

def action:
     return response.render("file.html", dict(context=context))

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Matt Broadstone <> wrote:

> Good morning,
>   I have a situation where I want to display composite views (a view
> for an object inside a view for its parent object). I have a class
> Connection that has a Profile associated with it. Profile can be one
> of a number of different subclasses (AProfile, BProfile, CProfile). I
> also have views associated for each of the profiles, within a
> "template" directory under the "views/connection" directory. The way
> I've tried to go about solving this is to make a view.html (associated
> with the view() method in the controller) as a base template with a
> block for "profile_section" inside of it. Then, in each of the profile
> templates, I extend view.html and then fill out the block for the
> profile.
> The problem I am now facing is how to properly route to the right
> template file from within the controller's view method. I know I could
> just create a new method in the controller for each profile type, but
> I'd rather not do that if possible. I also think that a simple
> redirect is not the right solution here. Can anyone advise as to the
> best way to do this? Or am I just on the wrong track with the whole
> "extend" idea?
> Thank you,
> Matt


Bruno Rocha
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