Maybe post an issue about this on Google 

On Sunday, October 2, 2011 6:42:39 PM UTC-4, Carlos wrote:
> Hi,
> I solved this in my case (without a redirect) as follows:
> + wrap each upload widget html into a 'wrapper' div.
> + after the form accepts/process, find each of those wrapper elements and 
> replace their contents (old value) with a new call to the upload widget 
> using the new value.
> The above was necessary because upload widgets are generated during the 
> SQLFORM init process, and their html is not changed during the form 
> accepts/process, therefore not showing the latest correct data.
> I also included a condition: replace the upload contents only if 
> form.vars.eachuploadfield is not None, i.e. only for those upload fields 
> that actually changed.
> Anyways, the above is just in case anybody else has the same problem.
> Regards,
>    Carlos

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