Yet better would be to retain the actual HTTP status code when

Which would mean to only change the response body into the "friendly"
error page (unless the application has already provided a body in the
http object), and leave the status code as it is.

Someone a more trivial suggestion?
E.g. can routes_onerror be suspended just for the current request?


On 23 Sep, 22:16, Dominic <> wrote:
> Hi--
> "Friendly error pages" :) may be user-friendly, but they break
> requests from non-interactive clients, because those cannot parse the
> error pages, and moreover, they will never know that there was an
> error (they always get a 200 OK or a 303 SEE OTHER, but never a 400
> BAD REQUEST or 401 UNAUTHORIZED or the like).
> Non-interactive clients (e.g. based on urllib2) may have Auth-handlers
> installed which expect a 401 challenge in order to trigger sending of
> credentials. If that challenge never comes, they can never login.
> However, for interactive requests, we still want a redirection to the
> login page.
> Is there a way to override routes_onerror just for the current request
> (e.g. if the app finds out that the request comes from a non-
> interactive client)?
> Dominic

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