It is not a bug. Quoting the book:
When a Field is marked with writable=False, the field is not shown in
create forms, and it is shown readonly in update forms. If a field is
marked as writable=False and readable=False, then the field is not
shown at all, not even in update forms.

This has nothing to do with the auto-(update, insert or delete)
operations performed by form.accepts

To update only the setting1 field you can do:

def edit1():
    id = request.args(0)
    db.mytable.setting2.readable = db.mytable.setting2.writable =
    row = db.mytable(id)
    form=SQLFORM(db.mytable, row)
    if form.accepts(request.vars, formname='mytable_form',
    return dict(form=form)

as explained in:

but it really makes no difference, except for some IO, the resulting
database record will be identical in both cases, so why bother?.

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