On Sep 23, 2011, at 8:28 AM, Lennon wrote:

> Thanks for the update.
> So in that case the old Cron should still be working.


> Can anybody tell me if to use cron on linux running apache or windows
> locally, is there any additional setup needed besides adding inserting
> a line into crontab in order to make scheduled tasks work?

How are you running web2py? If you're using wsgihandler.py, you need to set 
SOFTCRON = True (in wsgihandler.py) if you're going to use softcron.

> On Sep 23, 11:16 am, Ross Peoples <ross.peop...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't know too much about it yet, but I do know that it is still
>> experimental, so it hasn't replaced anything yet. There was talk of
>> replacing it in the future, but it may end up complimenting it. Again, I'm
>> not totally sure about the future of it, but right now, you can play with
>> it, but probably shouldn't use it in production unless you understand that
>> it can break or be completely changed at any time.

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