Was added then removed here:

Now I remember why... we had a discussion on web2py-developers whether
to include it or not because a ticket related to this.
I will probably put it back tonight...


On Sep 21, 2:46 pm, nick name <i.like.privacy....@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is quite amazing. Thanks to everyone involved for the great work, and
> especially Massimo for masterfully co-ordinating everything without breaking
> backward compatibility
> Small remark: (posted it in another thread, but repeating here in case it
> was not visible enough)
> request.utcnow is mentioned in the changelog here and in the README, but is
> not in the most recent "hg pull -u" that I did this morning. So either the
> README/changelog is wrong, or there is a patch that went missing somewhere.

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