I've done that already. I was just asking because of some ideas I had
about how to resolve this.
On 9/17/2011 8:37 AM, Anthony wrote:
It sounds like we should just make this easier in SQLFORM.grid --
maybe submit an issue about this on Google
Code: http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list
On Saturday, September 17, 2011 1:14:04 AM UTC-4, Jim S wrote:
The reason I'm asking is because I'm looking for a way to modify
SQLFORM.grid in sqlhtml.py to get the icons to show up on the buttons
properly whether or not jquery-ui is loaded or not. By default
SQLFORM.grid tries to use jquery-ui for the user interface.
base.css in
web2py has a number of icons in an image map that provide the
images on
the buttons if jquery-ui is not installed. The jquery-ui has an
map with the same icons names (at different locations) that
provide the
images if jquery-ui is availalbe and ui='jquery-ui' (the default) is
provided on creation of SQLFORM.grid. The image map name differs
in the
two scenarios, but the image names are the same.
So, if I could figure out in SQLFORM.grid if jquery-ui is
available to
the app, then I could provide the proper image map name and get
the icon
names/locations set properly. In addition, it appears that the
text of
the A element needs to be formatted differently depending on
whether or
not jquery-ui is used (and some other css needs to be applied).
All of this is a long drawn out explanation of why I want to be
able to
figure out, in SQLFORM.grid in sqlhtml.py whether or not jquery-ui is
available for me to use. I was kinda hoping there would be
something in
the request object that would help me out, but I haven't been able to
find anything.
Sorry if this is confusing, I'm up late again (yes, I'm an old
dog) and
need some sleep.
On 9/16/2011 7:12 PM, pbreit wrote:
> You would only be able to figure it out if you had the HTML page
> transmit that info to you via a form submission, querystring
field, etc.
> But why do you need to do this? Don't you know whether or not
you are
> serving the library? I'm confused.
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