Are you telling me that the line

driver_args['detect_types'] = self.driver.PARSE_DECLTYPES

which I added yesterday can be safely removed?

I thought this was a performance issue as well as db(...).select()
returns parsed types and it is best if the driver does it as opposed
if web2py does it.

On Sep 14, 1:56 am, nick name <> wrote:
> Ok, so I've just spent an hour trying to recreate the old problems I have
> (without the PARSE_DECLTYPES), and I am unable to.
> I know for sure that I was occasionally getting strings back when I expected
> a datetime() object, because I had a test in the code that would report
> that, and it stopped reporting after I started using the PARSE_DECLTYPES
> when you added the driver_args={} parameter in February.
> So either there was some other bug that was fixed in the meantime, or it had
> something to do with the data that was already in my sqlite, or I'm not
> remembering what triggered the problem.
> I spent an hour or so reviewing (including historical versions), and
> can't see a way for strings returned from the database to escape to the
> caller and not be converted by parse().
> And as I can't produce a test case that shows this is needed, I apologize
> for the trouble; as it does change the semantics (e.g., it supports
> microseconds if already stored in the database, unlike before the change),
> it is probably wise to back this out until I manage to recreate the problem.

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