I copy and paste this code [ref1] to the default controller of the
default application:

def testImportCode():
    # Example
    code = \
def testFunc():
    return "spam!"
class testClass:
    def testMethod(self):
        return "eggs!"
    m = importCode(code,"test")
    spam  = m.testFunc()
    o = m.testClass()
    eggs = o.testMethod()
    cont = DIV(P(m), P(spam), P(o), P(eggs))
    return cont

def importCode(code,name,add_to_sys_modules=0):
    Import dynamically generated code as a module. code is the
    object containing the code (a string, a file handle or an
    actual compiled code object, same types as accepted by an
    exec statement). The name is the name to give to the module,
    and the final argument says wheter to add it to sys.modules
    or not. If it is added, a subsequent import statement using
    name will return this module. If it is not added to sys.modules
    import will try to load it in the normal fashion.

    import foo
    is equivalent to
    foofile = open("/path/to/foo.py")
    foo = importCode(foofile,"foo",1)

    Returns a newly generated module.
    import sys
    import imp

    module = imp.new_module(name)

    exec code in module.__dict__
    if add_to_sys_modules:
        sys.modules[name] = module

    return module

Question N1 - How  can i save and get the #example code from database?
Question N2 - Why  the page .../admin/default/design/application  is
now exposing testFunc():?

    # Example
    code = \
def testFunc():
    return "spam!"
class testClass:
    def testMethod(self):
        return "eggs!"

ref1 - 

Can someone switch on the light.PLEASE.

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