I'm a Python Web Dev noob, but I had a similar requirement. I created this function to convert a postcode into lon & lat data suitable for use in Google Maps. It's a work in progress, not very elegant, and it doesn't have any error management but it's a start. Hopefully someone on the list will be able to point out any serious problems with it if there are any ;-)
import urllib import xml.dom.minidom """Returns latitude and longitude when passed a postcode """ geocodeUrl='http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=' sensor='&sensor=false' #send the postcode to Google for geocoding dom=xml.dom.minidom.parse(urllib.urlopen(geocodeUrl+address+sensor)) #grab the location element location=dom.getElementsByTagName('location')[0] #pull out the lat & lng elements and remove the <lat> & <lng> tags lat=location.getElementsByTagName('lat')[0].toxml().replace('<lat>','').replace('</lat>','') lng=location.getElementsByTagName('lng')[0].toxml().replace('<lng>','').replace('</lng>','') georesults = {'lat':lat, 'lng':lng} return georesults