It works, thanks :)
Next step is to upgrade the HTML code because this just looks like text.

regards, Richard

Op 8-9-2011 23:30, Anthony schreef:
No, you need to add return dict() to the end of you index() function in your controller -- not to the view file.


On Thursday, September 8, 2011 4:45:51 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:

    The view is not executed. Adding return dict() doesn't have
    effect. Even this diccccct() does not lead to an error.

    {{extend 'layout.html'}}
    {{if 'message' in globals():}}

    <p> Outfile from Matplotlib
    <img src="{{=URL('static','mp1.png')}}"/>

    return diccccct()

    Op 8-9-2011 22:24, Anthony schreef:
    Have you shown us your entire index() function? If so, your view
    file isn't getting called at all because your index function is
    not returning a dictionary. Instead, web2py is simply returning
    whatever your function returns, which is probably None if the
    last line is a call to plt.savefig(). Add return dict() to the
    end of your index function, and see if it works. Views are only
    called if the controller function returns a dictionary.


    On Thursday, September 8, 2011 3:55:35 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:

        The mp1.png file is in the static directory of my application

        The following views/default/index  only gives an empty page
        with    "None"  in the top left corner.


        {{extend 'layout.html'}}
        {{if 'message' in globals():}}



        <p> Outfile from Matplotlib
        <img src="{{=URL('static','mp1.png')}}"/>


        {{block left_sidebar}}New Left Sidebar Content{{end}}
        {{block right_sidebar}}New Right Sidebar Content{{end}}

        Op 7-9-2011 23:35, Richard Dijkstra schreef:
        Looking closer an output window appears and the console
        gives errors on the sequence of calling matplotlib.backends:

        I'll check first.

        Op 7 sep 2011, om 22:43 heeft Anthony het volgende geschreven:

        But does
        result in a file being saved in

        On Wednesday, September 7, 2011 4:38:13 PM UTC-4, Richard



            does me give an accessable png-file

            Op 7-9-2011 22:20, Anthony schreef:
            Have you confirmed that the file is actually getting
            saved in the expected location? Are you able to run
            the matplotlib code and save the file outside of web2py?

            On Wednesday, September 7, 2011 4:05:08 PM UTC-4,
            Richard wrote:

                Only adding the .png extention is not sufficient.

                outputfile =

                <p> Outfile from Matplotlib
                <img src="{{=URL('static','mp1.png')}}"  />

                Besides this issue; is using a temporarily file a
                mature solution or is streaming preferrable?


                Op 7-9-2011 21:46, Anthony schreef:
                On Wednesday, September 7, 2011 3:35:23 PM UTC-4,
                Richard wrote:

                    <img src="{{=URL('static','mp1')}}"  />

                Should be URL('static','mp1.png').


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09/05/11 08:35:00

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