

does me give an accessable png-file

Op 7-9-2011 22:20, Anthony schreef:
Have you confirmed that the file is actually getting saved in the expected location? Are you able to run the matplotlib code and save the file outside of web2py?

On Wednesday, September 7, 2011 4:05:08 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:

    Only adding the .png extention is not sufficient.

    outputfile = os.path.join(request.folder,'static','mp1.png')

    <p> Outfile from Matplotlib
    <img src="{{=URL('static','mp1.png')}}"  />

    Besides this issue; is using a temporarily file a mature solution
    or is streaming preferrable?


    Op 7-9-2011 21:46, Anthony schreef:
    On Wednesday, September 7, 2011 3:35:23 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:

        <img src="{{=URL('static','mp1')}}"  />

    Should be URL('static','mp1.png').


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