Let me think about that and figure out by where we should start...

For now what I see is :

   - We should build a little app at first then we can latter transform it
   into a plugin app...
   - I have the model of agenda and calendar of the Android calendar db... I
   have to check if it is open source. If it is we could then translated it
   into web2py model to start.
   - Latter we will maybe just have to attach the FullCalendar plugin with
   the proper JSON call and write the proper queries...

Also there is maybe already a web2py calendar app that drags on the net

There is this write in python that could be of some help :

Example : http://www.agendadulibre.qc.ca/event/2011/9/


2011/8/31 António Ramos <ramstei...@gmail.com>

> I´d love to help, but i´n new in web2py stuff and javascript related stuff
> However feel free to slave me in any task you want.
> I´m here to learn .
> António
> 2011/8/31 Richard Vézina <ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com>
>> Oh, yeah you right... I have this on my todo list since a lot of time and
>> make it integrated with FULLCalendar as well...
>> Are you willing to work on this with me?
>> Richard
>> 2011/8/31 António Ramos <ramstei...@gmail.com>
>>> no,
>>> something more like FullCalendar
>>> http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/
>>> 2011/8/31 Richard Vézina <ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com>
>>>> What's about anytime widget of kenji4569  :
>>>> http://dev.s-cubism.com/plugin_anytime_widget
>>>> http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/b6056d5d6daf6b21/b238b7a30b53332e?show_docid=b238b7a30b53332e&pli=1
>>>> Richard
>>>> 2011/8/31 António Ramos <ramstei...@gmail.com>
>>>>> hello, i see a lot of discussion about the smartgrid.
>>>>> I think a smartCalendar is also very usefull
>>>>> I´m using fullcalendar javascript library in web2py but maybe YOU can
>>>>> do better and simpler.
>>>>> Is there any toughts about this?
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> António

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