Hi de packages has a bug, when i exec mkweb2pyenv the script dont
found env.tar and the web2pyenv dont create.

On 10 ago, 15:07, Chris Steel <chris.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Users of pip and virtual environments (virtualenv) can now make user of the
> latest version of Web2py when installing from Pypi  and have the options of
> a "standard" Web2py setup available via a new command called web2py_clone.
> This is only available to users making use of:
> *pip install web2py*
> *
> about web2py_clone*
> web2py_clone was designed for folks who might be new to one or more of the
> following; Web2py, pip, virtual environments, mercurial, python...
> web2py_clone uses (and requires) mercurial (pip install mercurial) to create
> a clone from the Web2py project on Google Code in a directory called
> "web2py" that gets place in the virtualenv in a relatively "fixed" location
> that most people will be able to find and understand quickly and easily:
> So activating a virtual environment with:
> source ./bin/activate
> and then running:
> web2py_clone
> creates a "standard" local clone of Web2py in:
> ./web2py
> Everything should look and act like plain old Web2py cause that is what it
> is, plain old Web2py. So running ./bin/python ./web2py/web2py.py will start
> it up.
> *Advance pip / Virtualenv Stuff*
> If you have been around the block a few times or are looking for the "old"
> "advanced" features as outlined in that cool video you saw a while back you
> are going to want to look into the original commands, mkweb2pyenv and
> runweb2py. It would be a good idea to examine each command and each commands
> doc string, but we are assuming you will have no problem with this since you
> are going for the option clearly marked as "advanced" right ; )
> I would like to rename or combine these commands are some point in time for
> various reasons, some outline in the commands docstrings. Comments welcomed.
> Enjoy,
> Chris

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