I merged get_new_stable branch into master branch.

2011/8/24 Yota Ichino <www.i...@gmail.com>:
> Iceberg, Massimo Di Pierro,
> Your idea is great. These influence me and I rewrite .flx file.
> It is created on same github project with branch "get_new_stable".
> https://github.com/nus/web2py-for-fluxflex/tree/get_new_stable
> We can import this branch by using "Github import" menu.
> The branch doing:
> 1. get new stable file from web2py.com.
> 2. unzip
> 3. deploying
> This idea's strong point:
> - User can get new stable file everytime.
> Iceberg,
> How to write .flx file is in http://jp.doc.fluxflex.com/ and other library 
> code.
> 2011/8/23 Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>:
>> I think there should be a recommended way to created branded versions
>> of web2py.
>> I would recommend:
>> - getting the latest official stable
>> - unzip
>> - add your own "init" app, with landing branded page etc, linking
>> admin.
>> - have a standard mechanism to add a brand logo to admin as well
>> - rezip and distribute
>> we could create a hook (div) for the admin logo, a sample branded
>> init, and a script to create this.
>> Massimo
>> On Aug 22, 2:24 am, Iceberg <iceb...@21cn.com> wrote:
>>> Omi Chiba,
>>> Thanks VERY MUCH for your effort on building the web2py installation
>>> package (a.k.a. library on fluxflex). Deploying web2py on a hosting
>>> server has never been so easy! (I start crying for the hours I spent
>>> in setting up my first web2py instance on my previous hosting
>>> provider.)
>>> One thing though. Your web2py library is a forked (and tailored)
>>> version of official web2py 1.98.2. This way it will soon be outdated
>>> when web2py trunk grows into 1.99, 1.100, etc.. So I see the only
>>> practical way is:
>>> 1. modify your .flx file (in order to get rid of the "public_html"
>>> directory, shall we?)
>>> 2. and commit it into the trunk.
>>> 3. and then someone of us (if not Massimo) maintain an identical clone
>>> (rather than a fork) of web2py on github, until fluxflex will support
>>> google code as app backend someday. (Will they?)
>>> Later we will figure out a way to upload (perhaps download too?) each
>>> web2py app, one by one.
>>> By the way, how did you find out how to write the .flx file? I did not
>>> see any documentation section on fluxflex site. Hope to know more so
>>> that we can tweak more.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ray
>>> On Aug 21, 8:37 pm, Omi Chiba <ochib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Ichino who is a member of web2py Japan created a library on fluxflex
>>> > and it works great !
>>> >http://www.fluxflex.com/library/47
>>> > 1. Sign up fluxflex
>>> > 2. Create new project (e.g. ochiba)
>>> > 3. Install the library (It will be done in one second!)
>>> > 4. Access to your project with HTTPS not HTTP 
>>> > (e.g.https://ochiba.fluxflex.com)
>>> > 5. Access Administrative Interface with /admin 
>>> > (e.g.https://ochiba.fluxflex.com/admin
>>> > )
>>> > 5. Admin password is the same as your MySQL database on fluxflex
>>> > project.
>>> > Enjoy :)

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