I'm not sure about this. Maybe submit a ticket on Google Code: 

On Thursday, August 18, 2011 8:25:36 AM UTC-4, Bruno Codeman wrote:

> Thanks for your answer, Anthony. I fixed the problem returnin form = 
> auth.login() on the controller, instead of form = auth(). But now, a new 
> problem appeared: The client apps access the CAS server and after the login 
> screen, they're redirected to the CAS app index page, instead of being 
> redirected to the client URL. And, if I try to access the client app page 
> again, the client app tries to authenticate again. It doesn't seem to be 
> authenticated.
> 2011/8/17 Anthony <abas...@gmail.com>
>> Hmm, it appears to have something to do with the fact that you've got a 
>> custom auth_user table, but I can't figure out what. Maybe Massimo can help.
>> Anthony
>> On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:19:58 PM UTC-4, Bruno Codeman wrote:
>>> Everytime I click the login button, I receive a message from 
>>> firefox/chrome with a 310 error(too_many_redirects) telling me to delete 
>>> the 
>>> cookies
>>> or allow third-party cookies. I have an app called "login"(the CAS 
>>> Server) and another one called "ControleDeAtivos"(which should use the 
>>> other 
>>> app as a cas provider). Everything's going fine on the client app. When I 
>>> click the "login" link(on the menu), I'm redirected to the cas server app 
>>> login page,and after click the submit button, the browser shows the 
>>> message. 
>>> The URL showing on browser is this: *
>>> ControleDeAtivos/default/user/login?_next=%2FControleDeAtivos%2Fdefault%
>>> 2Findex*
>>> The db.py file is attached.
>>> 2011/8/17 Anthony <aba...@gmail.com>
>>>>  Can you show some minimal code that reproduces the problem?
>>>> On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 3:56:32 PM UTC-4, Bruno Codeman wrote:
>>>>>  Anyone? The app is entering a redirecting loop everytime I try to 
>>>>> authenticate...
>>>>> 2011/8/17 Bruno de Oliva Bemfica <bru...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Hi again, everyone. Does anyone know why a CAS auth could be entering 
>>>>>> a loop redirect?
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Bruno de Oliva Bemfica
>>>>>> *Engenheiro de Software*
>>>>>> MSN: bru...@live.com
>>>>>> Mobile: +55 11 8457-0978
>>>>>> http://www.devfranca.com.br
>>>>>> http://www.brunobemfica.net
>>>>>> http://www.codigofree.net
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Bruno de Oliva Bemfica
>>>>> *Engenheiro de Software*
>>>>> MSN: bru...@live.com
>>>>> Mobile: +55 11 8457-0978
>>>>> http://www.devfranca.com.br
>>>>> http://www.brunobemfica.net
>>>>> http://www.codigofree.net
>>> -- 
>>> Bruno de Oliva Bemfica
>>> *Engenheiro de Software*
>>> MSN: brun...@live.com
>>> Mobile: +55 11 8457-0978
>>> http://www.devfranca.com.br
>>> http://www.brunobemfica.net
>>> http://www.codigofree.net
> -- 
> Bruno de Oliva Bemfica
> *Engenheiro de Software*
> MSN: brunoc...@live.com
> Mobile: +55 11 8457-0978
> http://www.devfranca.com.br
> http://www.brunobemfica.net
> http://www.codigofree.net

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