Really totally insane rambling. Reference in task_run doesn't block worker two executing the function...
So, another rambling: In order to avoid it, at the cost of firing two queries on task_scheduled table, wouldn't be better to "sign" the task_scheduled with, say, and then check, after the first commit, if the same record is being taken up by another worker? Something like: 1. worker 1 fetches and updates the record with worker_id=1 and status=running 2. commit() 3. worker 1 re-fetches and checks if worker_id is still == 1 4. task_run record is inserted 5. db.commit() and so on... would this kind of approach seal the deal or it's a "chicken and egg" problem and we'd need to separate delicate processes "intelligently" using task_scheduled.group_name and only a worker doing those ?