You can do that already but is clanky. I made a simplification in

>>> db=DAL()
>>> db.define_table('t',Field('f'))
>>> print db(db.t)('t.f<15')._select('max(t.f)')

SELECT  max(t.f) FROM t WHERE ((t.f>0) AND (t.f<15));

you still need a first db(db.table) or db(db.table.field) to determine
which table is needed. In the query you can merge queries and string.
same for fields.

On Aug 11, 3:52 pm, pbreit <> wrote:
> Would it make sense for this type of thing to be extendable in a generalized
> way?
> Or I'm wondering if there is or could be a reasonable way to mix Query and
> String types in a DAL query?

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