For me git + simple sh hooks has been an easy and effective method.
On Aug 6, 12:18 am, Jason Brower <> wrote: > I see three places that I have to work in a modern team based development. > Local Machine: Where I host my own server and settings. > Testing Machine: Server that should mimic live production to work out > any details. > Production: Server with publicly available sites and where data kept > vital over everything else. > > What is the best recommended way to push a web2py application to deployment? > Personally, I think it would be nice to have a way to do that from the > web2py framework itself. > I am sure there is a way to only allow certain connections into the > deployment site. Amazon cloud does it, why couldn't we do it. For > example some kind of package verification on upload to make sure the > package has come from the right place. > > Best Regards, > Jason Brower