Bruno, Thanks for the feedback. I was digging around and found that if I changed: <db.define_table('comments',Field('by'),Field('comment','text')) - to >db.define_table('comments',Field('byuser'),Field('comment','text'))
That error went away. My version of web2py (Version 1.97.1) seems to be treating 'by' as a reserved word. After I changed this, the database tables where created successfully. My next step was to call up the default controller and web2py generated an error and complained about the syntax in the following: File "applications/pgrid2/modules/plugin_PowerGrid/", line 446 with open(path ,"r") as f: As a test, I simply deleted this line and the following 'pass' and powergrid started working. I'm not suggesting that this is a resolution to my problem, but I just thought that I'd let you know. I have already tried commenting out the auth.requires_membership line and a fresh new app with no success, but I'll try it out again with a clean install and let you know how it worked. Thanks again for the feedback, - Tom On Jul 23, 9:38 pm, Bruno Rocha <> wrote: > On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 2:34 AM, tomt <> wrote: > > DatabaseError: malformed database schema (comments) - near "by": > > Hi Tom, I just tested it and works normally with latest web2py from download > link, I am using Ubuntu 11.04 and Python 2.7. > > It seens to be a problem in auth.requires_membership, try to removeor > comment this line from and see if it works. > > Another thing is trying to run the plugin in a fresh new app, just follow > the template code used in the example app. > > I am writing the documentation to be online by the end of this week. > > Thanks..