I have some (in portuguese)

web2py + Ipython ( IDE for what?)




I am also recording new videos(which will be subtitled)

There are more videos from brazilian people

This is the web2oy channel on VIMEO -> http://vimeo.com/channels/139244 the
same content as listed in http://web2py.com/examples/default/videos

2011/7/22 António Ramos <ramstei...@gmail.com>

> Sorry all post lately but its pertinent ( i think... :)
> all videos that i found in the internet are made by massimo(99,99%).
> Great videos but i think that with a lot of people using and loving web2py
> there shoud be videos from other users experience.
> Maximo could stimulate his students to post videos of web2py in the
> internet.
> It seems that only Massimo cares about videos...
> As a brilliant guy that he is he should be woking on more important things.
> Best regards
> António


Bruno Rocha
[ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ]
[ Aprenda a programar: http://CursoDePython.com.br ]
[ O seu aliado nos cuidados com os animais: http://AnimalSystem.com.br ]
[ Consultoria em desenvolvimento web: http://www.blouweb.com ]

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