Attached you'll find my first go at a database audit module for web2py. It 
will log every change to a table. The crud versioning system is nice, but it 
only versions stuff that happens on crud. If you insert/modify records not 
through crud, you'd need to manually update it -- the attached code will do 
that automatically for you.

The app I'm developing needs a searchable, browseable audit of all changes 
to database, for which simple SQL logging is not sufficient.

WARNING: only very lightly tested code, probably doing everything the wrong 
way. Use at your own risk.

To use: place in your models directory; then, after defining a 
table with 

mytable = db.define_table('mytable', ....)



It will create a table called 'audit_mytable', which has in addition to all 
your fields, 4 more: oid (original id), time, user, and action 

any modification to the original table will result in a record being added; 
inserted records are copied after insertion; updated records are copied 
after update; deleted records are copied before delete.

* audit table is placed on the same adapter as the audited table - I want to 
allow the audit to be on a different db/dal/adapter (needs distributed 
transaction to work properly!)
* old id is always integer for lack of a better type; it should be a "weak" 
reference type
* reference types are still reference type, so when deleting linked records, 
"on delete cascade" will remove audit records, this is bad! other integrity 
constraints (notnull, validators etc.) are not copied to audit table -- only 
* action type is int, no way to specify efficient char(1) in web2py
* audit happens within same transaction as original update, so you commit or 
rollback both -- I think that's expected behaviour.
* On first use, it patches the adapter *class*. This means that, unlike 
usual web2py debugging, if you edit, you'll have to restart web2py. 
Writing it now, I can't think of a good reason why I did that rather than 
patch the adapter *instance* -- but that's the case for the attached code.

A better solution would probably be to add pre/post hooks to 
insert/update/delete in BaseAdapter, but for now the approach seems 
to work on 1.95 - 1.97
# General audit support for web2py:
#  When a table is set to be "audited", a shadow table is defined for
#  it, with 3 additional fields: "oid" (for original id), "audit_time", "audit_user", "audit_type" (insert/update/delete)
# on insert: after insert, the new record is copied to audit table
# on update: after update, the new records are copied to the audit table
# on delete: before deleting, records are copied to the audit table with audit_delete=true
# no new/additional transactions. that is, rollback will also roll back the audit; commit
# will also commit the audit.

# TODO: deactivate "on delete cascade" actions -> turn them to "restrict" or even drop the reference?
# TODO: add "idtype" to adapter - a type that can be used to store id - a "weak" reference
# TODO: is there a char(1) record type? audit_type would benefit from that

class AuditError(RuntimeError): 

AUDIT_OID = Field("audit_oid", "integer") # -> switch to idtype/weak reference
AUDIT_TIME = Field("audit_time", "datetime")
AUDIT_USER = Field("audit_user", "string") # or auth_user
AUDIT_TYPE  = Field("audit_type", "integer") # 1=insert, 2=update, 3=delete 

AUDIT_TEMPLATE = 'audit_%s'

def audited_record(shadow, record, audit_type):
    """Make a record into the audit record with a given type in place"""
    record[] =
    del record['id'] # audit records gets their own id
    del record['update_record'] # since we retrieve id, we get this ?!!?
    del record['delete_record'] # since we retrieve id, we get this ?!?!
    record[] =
    record[] = 'unknown'
    record[] = audit_type

def audited_insert(self, table, fields):
    shadow = self.shadow.get(table._tablename)
    if not shadow: return self.unaudited_insert(table, fields)
    rid = self.unaudited_insert(table, fields)
    if isinstance(rid, int): # either int or Reference
        record = table[int(rid)] # retrieve just inserted record
        audited_record(shadow, record, AUDIT_TYPE_INSERT)
        return rid
    raise AuditError, "Cannot audit inserts to table %s"%table

# TODO: how do we audit a change to id? should we block it?
def audited_update(self, tablename, query, fields):
    shadow = self.shadow.get(tablename)
    if not shadow: return self.unaudited_update(tablename, query, fields)
    db = self.db
    table = db[tablename]
    # find which records are about to be updated by this ....
    rows =, ['id'], {})
    rows = [x['id'] for x in rows] # we only care about the ids.
    count = self.unaudited_update(tablename, query, fields) # do the update
    # retrieve updated records
    rows =, [str(field) for field in table], {})
    for record in rows:
        audited_record(shadow, record, AUDIT_TYPE_UPDATE)
    return count

def audited_delete(self, tablename, query):
    shadow = self.shadow.get(tablename)
    if not shadow: return self.unaudited_delete(table, query)
    db = self.db
    table = db[tablename]
    # retrieve records about to be deleted
    rows =, [str(field) for field in table], {})
    count = self.unaudited_delete(tablename, query) # do the delete
    # retrieve updated records
    for record in rows:
        audited_record(shadow, record, AUDIT_TYPE_DELETE)
    return count

def patch_db(dal):
    db = dal._adapter
    if not hasattr(db,'shadow'): db.shadow = {} # patch instance every time
    if hasattr(db, 'unaudited_insert'): return # patch class once
    print 'patched db'
    x = db.__class__
    x.unaudited_insert = x.insert
    x.unaudited_delete = x.delete
    x.unaudited_update = x.update
    x.insert = audited_insert
    x.update = audited_update
    x.delete = audited_delete
# remove field constraints when creating audit table.
# TODO - switch all references to weakref or at least ON CASCADE RESTRICT?
def with_audit(table):
    name = table._tablename
    dal = table._db
    if name in dal._adapter.shadow: return # audit already set
    fields = AUDIT_FIELDS + [Field(field, table[field].type) for field in table.fields if field != 'id']
    shadow = db.define_table(AUDIT_TEMPLATE%name, *fields)
    dal._adapter.shadow[name] = shadow

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