On Jul 12, 2011, at 11:40 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> This is a GAE bug and we should open a ticket. GAE should not issue
> warning about libraries we do not use and we should not reference
> libraries we do not use to make the warnings go away. Do you want to
> file the bug report? I not, I will do it.

There's some commonly used generic library that's included with the Django 
installation that some (many?) non-Django Python apps link to on GAE. I 
remember reading about it a few months ago, and even running into that message. 

But I don't remember the details, and I can't google them up right now.

> On Jul 12, 7:45 pm, howesc <how...@umich.edu> wrote:
>> this warning popped up recently when GAE started bundling 2 versions of
>> django.  by default it still uses the old version of django in case you
>> needed it for your project.  there is a flag somewhere that can be set to
>> tell GAE to use the new version of django.  i assume we could find and set
>> the flag even though we use none of the django code.

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