Rows objects are rendered via the SQLTABLE helper (see It takes a 'truncate' argument that defaults to 16 (i.e., it truncates text at 16 characters). Try: {{=SQLTABLE(records, truncate=xx)}} where xx is 19 or greater in your case (to accommodate a date-time string). I think you can also set truncate=None to avoid truncation altogether. Anthony
On Thursday, July 7, 2011 5:39:36 PM UTC-4, Valter Foresto wrote: > I use the view : > {{extend 'layout.html'}} > {{=records}} > to display a records table. > One field in the record report the date and time : > *logs.event_time_stamp* > 2011-07-07 23... > but the date and time is "2011-07-07 23..." instead of the complete > "2011-07-07 23:01:15" string. > > What can I do to have the complete string displayed on the view table ? >