Hello, I will start a business project that needs create a web layer in front of Adampiere / Open Bravo for hospital / clinic operation. We will avoid JAVA, but need some of the objects provided in those ERPs, because that jython is the best choice. I choose web2py for the weblayer, but at the start, when simply do a jython web2py.py shows an error message
OSError: [Errno 0] chdir not supported in Java: /home/alfonsodg/Devel/web2py *The error message is pretty clear, but if works in jython from start, why this error? (simply chdir is not allowed)* *What is the experience from you with web2py and jython? is really good enough?* *Any ideas will be gladly received.* * * Saludos, -------------------------------- Alfonso de la Guarda Centro Open Source(COS) http://www.cos-la.net http://alfonsodg.net Telef. 991935157 1024D/B23B24A4 5469 ED92 75A3 BBDB FD6B 58A5 54A1 851D B23B 24A4