One more question: How do I make the pre-populated elements of the form appear read-only (so that they cannot be altered)?
I've tried in the view: {{=form.custom.begin}} <div>First name: {{=predef.fname}}</div> <div>Last name: {{=predef.lname}}</div> <div>Email: {{}}</div> <div>Password: {{=form.custom.widget.password}}</div> <div>Verify password: {{=form.custom.widget.password_two}}</div> {{=form.custom.submit}} {{=form.custom.end}} but then the elements for which I don't use the widget (to avoid being edited), seem not to be passed with the submit ( the auth.register method did not accept the form as complete ) is there some way to set an element of a form to be read-only? Thanks again! Luis.