>>00 Preface - "whilst always maintaining backward compatibility" >>Please, return previous ajax=False functionality (with passing current >>request to all LOAD(ajax=False) functions). >>It's a really important feature for component development. >>I have 2 sites broken because of it. =\
Massimo, I agree with LightOfMooN. I have a lot of apps for differents customers I wrote 1 year ago, when I started learning web2py. All apps have been working correctly from 1 year ago. These last days, I have been reported by various customers about a lot of broken webapps. I have to dedicate next days to review all these webs to patch , which I barely remember how I did. So, this unexpected compatibility change, also it's an unexpected mail from an old customer. It should have an adaptation period when changes could breaking old apps, or an alternative option for these cases.