On Wednesday, June 29, 2011 4:11:23 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote: 
> ajax_trap is ignored and assumed to be True if ajax=True. 
>  Earlier tests with orther versions had a different behavior and I 
> conceived ajax_trap=False as a kind of two purposes option. On one hand when 
> ajax=False it could be use to keep the next form into ajax... And when 
> ajax=True it works as a mean to stop trapping the next form into ajax.
ajax_trap has always been ignored when ajax=True -- in other words, when 
ajax=True, the component will always trap forms submitted. Actually, it 
looks like you can override that by adding a 'no_trap' class to your form. 
But in that case, the form will get submitted to the parent page controller 
function, not to the original controller function that generated the form, 
and you probably don't want that. You may be able to explicitly set the form 
action to post to the component action, and along with setting 
class='no_trap', that might solve your problem.

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