On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Tito Garrido <titogarr...@gmail.com>wrote:
> This is awesome! Really cool plugin ;) > Thanks, I did for use in one of my systems, and I like to share cool stuff. That is based on great jquery libs made by @wbotelhos > > Is there a way to change the next step based on choices of a previous step? > Not yet in plugin, but, That's all Java Script, so you can raise the method by hand. Is there a public JS method: $.fn.stepy.step(2, '#powerformwizard'); and you can change the _id on form creation. I will think about to include it in plugin. []' s -- Bruno Rocha [ About me: http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno ] [ Aprenda Pythonr: http://CursoDePython.com.br<http://cursodepython.com.br/> ]